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My daughter Madison had the most amazing time last year as DOTY.  She will remember this for the rest of her life!  She feels like a part of a family when she’s away on the weekends with all of the kids and faculty.  I truly believe she is the Honor Student she is because of all the hours she spends dancing.  She knows that she has to prioritize in order to keep up what she loves to do!  She comes in from school, eats dinner at 3:30, and has to make sure all of her school work is done and is off to dance most nights by 4:00.  I also love the program!  I have met so many new friends and really miss them when we don’t go to a certain city!  Joe Tremaine and all of the faculty really care about these kids, and what a life lesson they are learning!  I’m so happy to be part of the Tremaine Family!!

Darlene Sautter

Our son , Nick, has enjoyed his 2 years as an apprentice/teen company member.  He has learned how to be a valuable and helpful teacher’s assistant and how to rehearse in a short, fast paced, and efficient rehearsal process.  He has really improved his quick study skills and has enjoyed the fantastic opportunities.  We feel the responsibilities of being in the company has matured him for the professional dance world.

Katina Childs-Muller

Dear Mr. Joe Tremaine,

I would like to thank you for the wonderful experience my daugher, Jessica Pickett and I had during her first year with the Performance Program.  She had been attending Tremaine Dance Conventions since the age of 6.  She always enjoyed the teachers, assistants and loved the Faculty Show at the end of the weekend.  She could not wait to be more involved and her experience this past year was even greater then she imagined.  The opportunity to meet and learn from so many master teachers is greatly appreciated.  I have to tell you I was very impressed not only with her improvement in dance but her improvement in responsibility.  I will never forget her very first city as an apprentice.  I was waiting outside of the morning meeting doors, waiting for what I thought was going to be a list of things I would have to do for her.  I pictured it being a very long and busy weekend for me.  I was most definately wrong.  When she came out she said, “Mom, I will see you later I have a schedule and things to do”.  I was very impressed with her ability to jump in and follow directions.  I went to breakfast with some other moms and enjoyed my day.  This respnonsibility carried over into her schoolwork and home life.  I feel your program has not only improved and expanded her dance life but her life skills as well. Jessica and I are very proud to say we are a part of the Tremaine Family. Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity.

Stacey Pickett


The oportunity to participate in your Performance Program has to be one of the greatest experiences ever for our daughter Janai.  We cannot say enough good things about it.  You have opened many doors for our daughter through this program.  She is exposed to great role models that are also high caliber dancers and choreographers.  Your high standards and expectations are training her for the real world, and her growth as a dancer has been dramatic.  We really appreciated the fact that the values we have been teaching as parents are reaffirmed and rewarded.  Janai has many new friends who understand her because they share her love for dance and they are good kids.  We also have met some fine people and made new friends as well.

Thank you for providing this program for young dancers.

Eric & Kristi Schluter

Dear Mr. Joe Tremaine,

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for giving my daughter the opportunity to train and perform in your Teen Performance Company and Apprentice Program.  As a parent, I see she is getting unparalleled experience as a young dancer.  Her training with you has shed a glimpse into the professional life she may expect as a dancer/performer.  She isn’t hearing about the experience, she is living it!

My point of view aside, these kids (your kids) are having the times of their lives and are forging lifetime friendships while simultaneously learning the ethic of working hard for their goals whatever they may be.  How does it get better than working with professionals as they travel the world?!

Thank you for an invaluable piece of Mariel’s life.

Debby Harris

My daughter Madison had the most amazing time last year as DOTY.  She will remember this for the rest of her life!  She feels like a part of a family when she’s away on the weekends with all of the kids and faculty.  I truly believe she is the Honor Student she is because of all the hours she spends dancing.  She knows that she has to prioritize in order to keep up what she loves to do!  She comes in from school, eats dinner at 3:30, and has to make sure all of her school work is done and is off to dance most nights by 4:00.  I also love the program!  I have met so many new friends and really miss them when we don’t go to a certain city!  Joe Tremaine and all of the faculty really care about these kids, and what a life lesson they are learning!  I’m so happy to be part of the Tremaine Family!!

Darlene Sautter

We have been involved with Tremaine Dance Conventions for over 10 years now.  My daughter took her first Tremaine Dance Convention at the age of 8.  After being awarded a one time scholarship at the age of 14 and the next year, a year long scholarship, she decided she would like to take the summer intensive and audition to be part of the teen performing group.  It was the best thing we ever did for her and her dancing career.

I am so impressed at how professional and organized the company is.  She has just finished her 2nd year as an apprentice with the teen performing company.  We totally love it!!  Not only has she made some life long friends along the way, but I have as well.  It has made her organizational skills and people skills blossom!  She has learned to pick up choreography so much quicker now and her dancing technique has flourished from the amazing talented staff that she works with!  I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has a child interested in pursuing a dance career or just even has a passion for dance that wants to take it to the next level.  Tremaine is the place to be!

Amy Grady

Dear Joe,

I would like to thank you for the opportunity my daughter, Taylor, has had the past two years with the Tremaine Apprentice Program. She recently received a thank you note from you for assisting in the program and we decided it was you that we owe the thanks…..

Tremaine was Taylor’s first convention and competition over six years ago and her first experience competing at a Nationals Competition. It has been a huge honor for her to be selected to assist with such an incredible organization.

Taylor naturally loves dancing and enjoys pushing herself to expand her knowledge and abilities. Being part of this program has given her an opportunity to expand upon what she has learned in a studio environment as well as the opportunity to inspire other young dancers to do the same.

Through this program she has gained independence, self discipline, and confidence. She quickly learned like in the dance world, every rehearsal is like the final show…rehearsal times with everyone are limited so you come prepared and confident in what you can bring to the dance. This experience has given her a feel for what working in the real dance world is like. Being able to learn the basics of the dances through video links was incredibly helpful in making her ready to show up for rehearsals.

Being able to assist and be a role model to other young dancers has been one of her favorite parts of the program. She remembers a young girl not too long ago that too was in awe of the older girls and realizes how important that role is during the conventions. Another one of the rewarding experiences is being able to dance alongside and make friends with other great dancers across the United States, which she will always treasure.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend is watching as your talented choreographers and teachers inspire and share time with students in the classrooms. For parents that have never sat through a class the five or so minutes they take to field questions from the dancers and share life lessons with them is something everyone takes away from the weekend. Having my daugher take part in that is a wonderful thing.

I hope other dancers if given the opportunity, will take the time to try out and assist your talented staff in their quest to teach, inspire, and share life lessons through dance.


Cynthia Clark