REGISTER EARLY – Competition Entry may close prior to Early Registration Cut-Off Date if Quota is Reached.
COMPETITION LINEUP IS FINAL – NO CHANGES made to Competition Entries once Competition Lineup is posted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
• All Dancer Ages are now set as of JANUARY 1, of that tour, for the entire tour season, October – July, including National Finals.
• This age calculation applies to Convention Classes, Scholarship Auditions & Competition Entries.
• This change requires NO Additional Steps on your part, simply add your Dancers and their Birthdates into your Attendee Roster as usual.
• If you are attending a Winter Tour City before the 1st of January, our system will automatically calculate what the dancers ages will be on January 1, of that tour.
• If you are attending a Winter Tour City after the 1st of January, our system will automatically calculate what the dancers ages were on January 1, of that tour.
• This change in procedure will allow you to set your Competition Routines at the beginning of the season, where they will remain consistent until the end of the Summer Tour.
JUNIOR – 7 to 10.99
PRE-TEEN – 11 to 13.99
TEEN – 14 to 15.99
SENIOR – 16 – up
*All ages set as of January 1, for the entire tour season, this extends through Summer & National Competitions.
*Minimum AVERAGE AGE per Competition Entry = 7.0 Years. Routines may include 5 & 6 year old dancers if the Average Age of the Routine is 7.0 years.
*Minimum Solo Competition Age = 7 Years, excludes Mini’s
Birth certificates or proof of age for each dancer competing must be brought to the convention and available as proof of age upon request. DO NOT send Birth Certificates or Copies of Birth Certificates with your entries.
SEMI-FINALS COMPETITIONS | All Winter Cities | October-May
SUMMER COMPETITIONS | All Summer Cities | June-July
* No Minimum Length.
* 1-point deduction for each second over the limit.
• Average Age of any Competition Entry must be at least 7.0.
• Dancers must be at least 7 years of age and registered as a Junior Student to compete a Solo entry.
• Mini Room Dancers, ages 5-7, ARE allowed to compete in Duo/Trio, Group, Line & Production competition entries as long as the Average Age of the entry is at least 7.0.
Tremaine Dance believes in a Consistent Training Environment creating a Foundation for Dancers to Progress that may include but is not limited to a Home Studio and/or Teacher.
• A Dancer not Registering with their Home Studio and/or Teacher is considered Independent.
• Independent Dancers ARE eligible to Register for Convention Classes and audition for Scholarships.
• Independent Dancers are NOT eligible to Compete unless it is Registered under their Home Studio or Teacher.
We always contact competing studios at least two weeks prior to the competition to advise them if it will be necessary to hold competition the day before the convention in their competition city.
• When picking up your Registration Packet, is the time to ask questions or advise us of:
—– Any changes to the Number of Dancers
—– Costume Change problems
—– Pauses or Tags in your Music
—– Prop Considerations & Logistics
—– Any Other Concerns regarding your dancers’ Competition Experience
*PLEASE NOTE: REGISTER EARLY – Competition Entry may close prior to Early Registration Cut-Off Date if Quota is Reached.
• SEMI-FINALS – Winter Tour: Oct-May– Limit 25 Entries per studio
—–*There is a possibility for a studio to add additional numbers if time allows. Please call TDC office if interested.
• SUMMER COMPETITIONS – Summer – Unlimited Entries per studio
• NATIONAL FINALS – Orlando, July 6-11 – Unlimited Qualified Entries per studio
• There is a limited number of overall acts accepted for each competition.
• One Solo per dancer per city.
• Competition cut-off may occur before cut-off date if quota is reached.
• A Competition Line Up will be e-mailed to the Teacher/Primary Registrant of each competition entry.
• Competition Line Ups will be posted online and at the event.
The Tremaine Competition Stage is approximately 40′ x 28’ x 30″*
and features Harlequin brand marley stage flooring
*National Finals stage is approximately 56′ x 34′ x 32″
• Ballet – All ballet entries (Classical, Pointe, Character, Modern, etc.) judged together in the Ballet category only.
• Jazz – All jazz (up-tempo, 50’s, 60’s, etc.) will be judged together in the Jazz category only.
• Hip Hop – All Hip Hop and Street movement will be judged in the Hip Hop category only. Must be 75% Hip Hop movement vocabulary. (Judges discretion, Judges decision is final.)
• Lyrical – Jazz style performed with a lyrical quality incorporating a mix of Ballet, Modern and Jazz movement vocabulary, that is inspired by interpreting the lyrics to express emotion and storytelling.
• Contemporary – Incorporates classical Ballet, Modern and other Cultural dance forms that has unpredictable and abstract construction with unique meaning in relationship to the music.
• Musical Theatre – Broadway Theatre style dance.
• Tap – Percussion based performance utilizing tap shoes and techniques – excludes Clogging.
• Open – All entries that are:
—-– Acro / Gymnastic *- four or more gymnastic tricks/passes
—-– Novelty
—-– Mixed Styles – any combination of opposite styles of dance. (example: Ballet & Hip Hop, Jazz & Tap, etc.)
—-– Clogging
—-– Cultural/Traditional Dances
* Acrobatic moves not generally taught in dance class. (example, cartwheels are not tricks)
—– Examples:
—– • Hand-springs, walkovers, tucks, cheerleading tosses, etc.
• Gymnastic Tricks occurring simultaneously constitute 1 pass/1 trick.
• If four or more tricks (gymnastics/acrobatic passes) are used in a routine, it should compete in or will be moved to the Open Category.
25 points_______Technique
20 points_______Choreography
15 points_______Musicality
10 points_______Costuming
30 points_______Overall Performance
100 Total Points possible from each Judge
1st Place_______90-100 points
2nd Place_______81-89.99 points
3rd Place_______75-80.99 points
4th Place_______70-74.99 points
• When only one number is competing in a category, the number will compete against the scoring system.
• When only two numbers are competing in a category, 1st & 2nd Place will be awarded.
• When only three numbers are competing in a category, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place will be awarded.
• When four or more numbers are competing in a category, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Place will be awarded.
• Semi-Finals numbers placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, receiving High Score or Judges’ Ovation Award and/or scoring a 96.0 or higher qualify for the National Finals.
The judges may choose to move a number into a different category, (example, from Open to Jazz, etc.) based on dance style, Tremaine rules, etc. There are no penalties or deductions when this occurs.
• All ties will be broken by the technical score.
• If there should be a tie on technical scores, the tie will be broken by overall performance score.
• If there should be a tie on overall performance scores, the tie will be broken by judges decision.
*The Decision of the Judges is Final.
• Judges’ Scores and Critiques will be available online.
— After the last day of the event, please log into your online account.
— Once logged in, access the ‘Upcoming and Past Registrations’ tab on the home page.
— Locate the desired city and click on ‘Scores’.
*By entering the competition, you agree that you WILL NOT post any audio/video critiques on any Social Media site, File Sharing site, Video Site, Personal Website, etc.
• NO SCORING OR PLACEMENT QUESTIONS HANDLED DURING THE COMPETITION. We will assist you the following morning to discuss any questions or concerns.
*Due to occasional digital glitches beyond our control, some critiques may not be available.
Please upload all competition music online at least ONE WEEK PRIOR to the event.
This is done through ‘Media Manager’ on the Competition Page during Online Registration. You may also access Media Manager after submitting your registration.
• BACK UP USB – Always have a Back Up USB with ALL your music available during competition if needed.
• All Competitions will be live streamed and free to watch online at – Password Required.
• Password will ONLY be sent to the Registered Teacher/Studio along with the Competition Lineup and they are responsible for distributing it to their clients, which helps safeguard who has access to the dancers’ online images.
• All entries must be Registered Online.
• Registration is not Complete NOR Guaranteed until a Confirmation Email has been received.
• NEW! – All Registration & Competition Entries & Fees for all contestants and teachers must be paid upon receipt of invoice.
• All contestants must be registered for the entire convention in the city where competing.
• Dancers may compete in more than one number in their Category, Style & Age Division, except Solos. However, they may compete for only one studio, regardless of how many studios their teacher owns.
• If a teacher owns multiple studios, dancers may compete for one of that teacher’s studios only.
• Dancers studying regularly at different studios, owned by different teachers, may compete for each studio, if each teacher is registered.
• Dancers may compete in more than one city. However, if a number wins in one city, that same number may not compete in another city during that season.
PLEASE NOTE: The livestreaming of competitions has redefined the use of music, costuming and movement for a larger broadcast audience. We encourage all choreographers to evaluate these items carefully during the creative process.
• No use of fire, liquids, glass, live animals or aerial equipment/rigging on stage.
• Stage must be left clean by performers.
• No beginner students.
• No coaching from audience.
• No singing. Lip-syncing OK. Talking OK.
• General lifts OK.
• Crossing from Stage Right to Stage Left (or vice versa) during any competition number, must be done on stage. No points will be deducted for this. *There is no access to cross behind the stage, nor will it be permitted.
• Beginning ENTRANCE and final EXIT will be Stage Right or Stage Left only. This will be dictated by venue.
• 70 DANCERS MAXIMUM on stage at any given time for safety.
• Semi-Finals numbers placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, receiving High Score or Judges’ Ovation and/or scoring a 96.0 or higher qualify for the National Finals.
• All Entries Final – NO REFUNDS.
• There will be a “Shining Star Award” presented to the studio that shows the best etiquette in the dressing room or backstage area.
• Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from all backstage & dressing room areas.
* A 10-point Deduction will be taken from your Overall Score for misconduct in the dressing room and/or the backstage area.
You may have “helpers” (dressers, human props, etc.) on the stage during a routine. However, every person on stage must perform in the number and be seen by the audience for at least 2 counts of eight. “Helpers” must meet the following requirements:
—– 1) Must be registered as a Student for the entire convention.
—– 2) Must be registered as a performer and have fees paid for any competition entries they perform in.
—– 3) Their age/ages must be figured into the overall average age of the competition entry. (See Age Requirements & 50% Rule)
• General props are OK, they must be moved on and off stage by performers only.
• Must be moved on and off within 1 minute or a 10 point deduction will apply.
• Any unnecessary delay will result in a 10 point deduction.
• For Safety, NO SCENERY, DANGEROUS or OVERSIZED “PROPS” allowed on stage and, if used, may result in loss of points or disqualification.
• When there is a safety concern, contact the Tremaine Office PRIOR TO ENTERING THE NUMBER to discuss details.
• Tremaine reserves the right to disallow the use of any Oversized or Dangerous “Props”.
We believe competition is an integral part of a Dancer’s Training and we are committed to providing a space where Dancers can learn and grow in a supportive and encouraging environment.
For a fun and safe experience, we ask that Audience Members follow basic rules of Theater Etiquette in our Showroom:
Tremaine Dance reserves the right to refuse admittance, or remove, anyone who does not abide by these guidelines, is disruptive, unruly, or displays rude, unsafe, unacceptable behavior which shall be determined in the company’s sole discretion.